
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Why is literature important in everyday life?


Literature is important in everyday life because it connects individuals with larger truths and ideas in a society. Literature creates a way for people to record their thoughts and experiences in a way that is accessible to others, through fictionalized accounts of the experience. As an art form, literature has existed for thousands of years, with the oldest texts dating back to the 26th century B.C.E.


Literary tradition is both oral and written. Civilizations that existed without a written language still managed to pass down their stories through oral telling. Many Native American cultures practice an oral literary tradition. The primary use of literature in ancient settings was to pass down customs, beliefs and traditions to the younger generations. In more recent centuries, literature has taken on a more comprehensive role of mirroring society in order for humans to study themselves and understand the underlying truths common to all people. For students, studying literature is a critical component in education, as it teaches students to see themselves reflected in art. This allows people to learn about life and truth. Literature also helps people to see life from the perspective of another. Identity-based literature teaches the reader what life is like for others, helping them to be more understanding and respectful of those around them.

Why is biology important in everyday life?


Biology is important to everyday life because it allows humans to better understand their bodies, their resources and potential threats in the environment. Biology is the study of all living things, so it helps people to understand every organism alive, from the smallest bacteria to California redwoods and blue whales. Professional biologists often concentrate on a small subset of living organisms, such as birds, plants or bacteria.


The study of biology has helped humans to understand the similarities between all forms of life. For example, the genetic code that helps to construct all living organisms is very similar in all life forms. The genetic material is stored in the form of DNA for all plants, animals, bacteria and fungi. By studying the DNA of all these different life forms, biologists have determined that all living creatures are related to each other.

Biology has also helped doctors learn how to keep people healthy and fight off disease. Biologists have learned that things called pathogens, which are themselves other living entities, cause diseases. By understanding how these dangerous organisms work, scientists can fight them off. Because of biology, many people have lived long lives as they have been able to avoid diseases.


Importanceof Biology in our Daily Lives with Respect to Agriculture and Industry

1.      Agriculture plays great role narrating the importance of biology in our daily lives. Agriculture is largely the result of man’s taking the advantage of the inter relations of soil, climate and natural habitat to select those particular combinations that meet his basic requirements. Thus to provide necessary food, man depends entirely on green plants that can alone capture the solar energy.

2.      High yielding varieties of crop plants like rice, wheat, jute, sugar cane, pulses etc are now bred experimentally. Disease resistant grains and verbalized seeds are made.

3.      Biological control strategies are undertaken as pest control emphasizing the importance of biology in our daily lives.

4.      Modern man does not depend on fishing and hunting like our ancestors and instead rears fishes as well as cattle and various other domestic animals to get food and other necessities of life. This has resulted in the development of fishery and animal husbandry.

5.      The importance of biology in our daily lives lies in the production of clothings and timber for making furnitures, in supplied raw materials for paper, dyes, etc.

6.      Fossils are important in locating underground oil and natural gas reserves. Even coal and mineral oil formed from decomposed plant bodies are key to industrial prosperity.

Importance of Biology in our Daily Lives with Respect to Health and General well Being

1.      Medical advancement also shows the importance of biology in our daily lives. The study of dreaded diseases, their causative agents, cure as well as the actions of drugs are a way of biological enlightenment that strives minimizing human suffering.

2.      Importance of biology in our daily lives also lies in finding and curing hereditary abnormalities like haemophilia, Down’s syndrome,etc.

3.      Biology aims in making effort to better human race through eugenics.

4.      Biology study has a vital role in controlling environmental pollution and attracted sense of art and beauty.